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Numpty brake question?


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'Scuse my ignorance (and yes - I've done a search), but how do I tell whether or not I have standard front discs on my '89 Supersprint?

I need new pads - am going for Mintex 1144s, but want to make sure I don't get all confused when buying them. (Don't worry - I won't be fitting them 😳)

My discs seem to be about 10" in diameter and are not drilled or grooved.


Thanks for any help

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errrmmm.....vented - is it easy to tell at a glance? They look to be just a single disc thickness, so I assume they are not vented?! Told you I was a numpty!!


Edited by - 'cos now I know what vented means!- chrisd on 22 Jun 2004 21:44:49


Edited by - chrisd on 22 Jun 2004 21:54:15

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