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07/07 - put it in your diary!


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Boonie - I will see what I can do mate but I think the Caterham God might not have too much spare cash this week, what with the freestyle suspension upgrade he did last month and the new AO32Rs...





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If it's gonna be 07/07 surely it should be at 7 minutes and 7 seconds past 7 in the morning

- and -

you should wait three more years for a REALLY BIG one


Then it would be 7:07:07 on 07/07/07


.... or am i just being silly (again) (as always) *tongue*


Recovering from Le Mans deafness (pardon) 😬

See Barbarella here...

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Good point Rach *wink* Actually what she'd say would probably be the least of my worries. She's a surgeon and therefore has a penchant for sharp knives. Being unable to go out for rides together in the 7 would pale into insignificance compared to some of the other activities she could curtail...


I've just noticed anyway, that I was only considering 'canel' ing the wedding , which probably involves a narrowboat and lots of rushing about opening locks.. 😬


Darren E

K80RUM Superlight R #54



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