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Ford Gearbox Oil Filler Nut Size


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On a Xflow with a Ford Xflow, the nut that's impossible to get to, which you need to undo to check/fill with oil - old thread suggested a 11mm size, so I've just cut an 11mm allen key down to fit, and it's too big. Previously tried a 1/2" key, so am building a collection of sawn off allen keys!


Any ideas what size it is 🤔



1700XF - http://groups.msn.com/WilkesCaterhamPages

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Thanks Steve/Matt. It's a 1996 car with a 5-speed, so guess I should try the 3/8ths next. Any obvious way to ascertain whether it's a type 9? The code on the top states Ford 62040 and then 839T-7211-CB.


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