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Nick Woods

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Hi mav, I figure I'll find you down here more easily than upstairs *cool*


Remember the verniers you sold me as part of the bulk buy waaaayyyyy back at the start of the year? Well, they've been on the car for a couple of weeks now and they are great 😬 😬


What an improvement *eek* - mid-range is much better and I like the lumpier tickover as it makes the car sound more 'raw'.


Thanks again for organising the BB, from speaking to others I appreciate how much hard work it can be *thumbup*


In case you were wondering why it took so long, its a combination of illness on my part (I'm ok now), waiting for someone to make me some dial guage brackets and wasting a lot of time trying to find out why my car kept boiling over. That turned out to be headgasket failure and the verniers were finally fitted when it was rebuilt.



Red and Black 1.6K supersport

visit Carrotland.co.uk



Edited by - Nick Woods on 18 Jun 2004 09:00:57

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