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Before exploring the option of upgrading from a 4 speed Escort Sports Box to a Sierra type 9 Heavy Duty box- can anyone confirm that this will fit without too much difficulty into a 1991 Long Cockpit chassis?


Any one any comments on rebuilding the Quaife Clubman 4 speed sport box instead - bearing in mind it is to support a Ford Zetec 2.0l (220bhp)


Does anyone currently run similar size engine on a 4 speed sports box/clubman - and how does it bear up?


Hope you can provide more light and more confusion as to this dilemma

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Escort sport 4 spd to Type 9 5 speed requires new gearbox mount, new transmission cover, new gerarstick, clutch, propshaft and speed drive. Not difficult, but the costs do add up.


SEP field working, not spotted in 101,000 miles. Some photos on webshots, updated 10 June

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