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Caterhams in Cottenham


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A red Caterham has been spotted in Cottenham( outskirts of Cambridge) by Delberta ( my 11 yr old)


A) Thanks for waving back, it seems like a shedly action to me and we now have a child wanting her own , specially after Curbourgh as well


B) Ex wife now wonders how the sh**te Hawk of am ex husband can afford such a car.


C) luckily Delberta does not know the value of money so I got away with "oh a couple of hundred"






When you realise the worlds not nice just drop your pants and slide on the ice!!!

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I spotted a yeloow one in Cottenham not so long ago.


Can more people drive there 7's on my journey home as it chers my day up no end.


Unfortunately Mrs B has looked through the classified in No Flying and knows exactly how much a 7 would be. But she hasn't ruled one out completely...and while there is hope...I will annoyingly go on and on and on...until I have one.

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Did the red one have a white cage? Could have been Mr Buroz.


Delbert are you local then? The Cambs area meeting is taking place in Grantchester at the Red Lion tomorrow - any chance you might be able to make it?




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I'm not but ex wife and Delberta are so I am over every other weekend to pick up and return said 11 year old.


When married lived in Dullingham but that was 9 years ago.


When you realise the worlds not nice just drop your pants and slide on the ice!!!

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She has also spotted the Yellow one passing her school gate.


She is getting rather a "petrolhead" on her now, better than McFly *thumbup*


When you realise the worlds not nice just drop your pants and slide on the ice!!!

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something tells me every other Sunday Delberta will insist on "Zena" returning her home.


PS is the Red Lion still got real ale?


When you realise the worlds not nice just drop your pants and slide on the ice!!!

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Hi Delbert...


Sounds like Delberta is the top spotter in the Cambridge area........will have to try and drive through Cottenham more often to try and get spotted.......

😬 😬



GF04RCE is built running and on the road.... every day is a Caterham day!!!! He heee!!... pictures here , I am as excited as an excited thing.....

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