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I know we've covered indicator lenses before, but can someone please measure the base diameter, the height, and the distance between the fixing screw hole centres of the front lenses. These are the commonly referred to Land Rover Defender lenses.


Cheers *thumbup*

Slightly off topic, but does anyone know where I can get clear front indicators from? Also can you get clear version of the side repeaters that attached to the front cycle wings?

Side repeater light's & lens, suitable for the cycle wings or flares if your that way inclinded *eek*, are available in most decent motorbike shops, such as infinity etc...





Superlight No.171




Yes, Vehicle Wiring Products, Caterham, Land Rover, Europa can all supply, but I'm trying to determine dimensions before purchase.


Not "strictly" for Caterham application - say n'more otherwise the boys will be around beating me with a big stick!






Try here - http://www.vehicle-wiring-products.co.uk/VWPweb2000/lights-2/lights-2.html - lenses are quid 39 here!


...or here - http://www.europaspares.com/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_Indicators_4.html


Actually you've helped me to partly answer my own question - does 73 or 75mm diameter sound right? Would if appreciate someone with a car (or spare lenses) and ruler could do the honours...


Actually while we're here, the Ford 32mm square repeaters on the VWP webpage above - does anyone know of a clear/white version, or suitable replacement?


Cheers *thumbup*


Edited by - JimBean on 9 Dec 2003 14:09:54

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