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Need to get my FIA bar off in a hurry. Apparently there are bolts up from the underneath that require rear suspension disassembly to access.

Could someone with practical experience of this job give me a step-by-step guide? Can I get the rear dampers off without vast amounts of ancilliary un-bolting?


Thanks in advance.


PS Don't be afraid to make the instructions really noddy... 😬


from memory something like this


1. loosen wheel nuts

2. jack up car

3. put on axle stands on the chassis

4. remove wheels

5. remove the dampers by the too bolts that hold them in, one on the de-dion tube and one which is accesed via the hole behind the seat...(repeat both sides)

6. remove said bolt holding in FIA Bar (repeat both sides)

7. to get the fia bar off, you will have to unbolt it (and any harnesses) from the back of the car and the rail behind the seats, and maybe the odd popper on the boot cover...


I think




Those instructions are spot on - I did this in the last week while stripping the back end down for a repanel.


There are 3 bolts - 2 from above & one from below. One of the ones from the top goes through the outside harness strap & is th main one from the top.


I had hoped it could be done without completely removing the damper, but its a doddle. Completely removing it also mean you can clean up the damper if needed & properly waxoil the top bell shaped damper housing wihtout the damper in the way.


I seem to have become an expert in this in the last week! Thanks Mum! (see other thread) *tongue*


Edited by - TomB on 8 Dec 2003 21:04:32


Thanks very much guys. I'll get the spanners out tonight!


Sorry, Myles. Its not a tall bar (and not for sale as its being p/ex'd on a full cage...)


I do have an interest in removing the dampers. At the moment it is fitted with green race springs that are a bit too short. On full extension the spring cap becomes dislodged and doesn't seat properly when the car is dropped off the jack. It really needs very short keeper springs or something.

Any ideas?

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