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I decided to start wearing earplugs with my aeroscreen/helmet due to hearing damage from windnoise...


Everything was going OK until I got back from a two hour drive from Cambridge... I couldn't get my helmet off...


I'd put the (foam, but quite long) plugs in, bally on and then helmet and then tugged the bally sides to get a more comfortable fit. I guess the foam then fully decompressed on the journey - and when I tried to take the helmet off, the helmet engaged the plugs in an excruciatingly painful manner.


Ended up poking my fingers up the inside of the bally and pulling the plugs out before removing the helmet...


Shorter plugs next time, methinks...


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻


Myles: I fail to understand how you could inflict pain on yourself in this manner *confused*

Did you have the plugs stuffed right down your ears or something?


J351 TPE . . . battered old X/Flow


It wasn't actually the 'inner ear' - it was part of the outer/lobe bits that hurt...


And, no, I don't really 'get' it either - they are only softish foam after all...


Full moon perhaps? *tongue*


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻




The foam plugs should be compressed between the fingers then inserted fully into the ear canal. They should then be held in place whilst the foam plug expands. You should also open up the ear whilst inserting the plug by pulling your pinna with the opposite arm e.g. for left ear pull pinna with right arm behind the head *eek* *eek* *eek* *eek*


If the foam is expanding so that it is out the ear you are doing it wrong ☹️






Man, this was the evening after a major Christmas party - I'm probably lucky I didn't put the helmet on back to front... 😳 *wink*


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻




Try Your local bikeshop for an earplugbrand named "Alpine". They're earplugs with two different filters for filtering out excessive, damaging windnoise. If nescessary, the plugs can be modified for a smaller inner-ear.


These should set You back some 8 GBP, NOT expensive for such good plugs. I have used 'em in my full-faced helmet for three years now, have replaced them last autumn. With these, You can even have a conversation with the officials just before You get on the track! 😬




erm ? At risk of a minor thread hijack, i noticed...


I have used 'em in my full-faced helmet for three years now, have replaced them last autumn.


How often should one replace your plugs. I have always assumed they were a use once then trow away like in factories etc. But come to think of it, some of them are sold in storage pots so...


L811 VTR BRG/Yellow SuperSport



The price has gone up *a lot* since I checked out the web site last time.........

These are a bit easier on the pocket, and are essentially the same thing......

And these are what I was thinking of when I posted......

The main selection page for the more reasonably priced stuff is here

The London agent seems to have better prices for some of them, and if I read it right, he comes to you for the moulding/fitting process.

A friend of mine has a pair, for use on his bike. They seem to work well, 'cos he definitely exhibits the "walkman voice" when he's got them in......


Edited by - Blatman on 10 Dec 2003 11:18:55


Edited by - Blatman on 10 Dec 2003 11:25:41

Down filled plugs are nice, affordable, effective, and comfortable. I wouldn't spend too much money - they all get covered in earwax and look so disgusting you want to throw them way. I use corded shaped soft foam jobs - they are comfortable and disposable, not at all expensive, and you can use them in the workshop for the noisy jobs.



The more expensive, modelled to Your ear, earplugs should be replaced every 2-3 years. Apparently, Your ears keep changing shape during Your life? *eek* Heheh.


The cheaper ones, which will fit the average ear just fine, will have to be replaced every 2-3 years also, but are A LOT cheaper. Think the more expensive ones are of interest only to VERY frequent users.

I've used the Alpine-ones for three years on my bike, averaging 22.000 kilometers per year.


BTW, slight mistake on the Guilder-Euro-GBP conversion. They'll set You back some 15 GBP... 😳


www.alpine.nl -probably in Dutch 😬



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