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Can somebody give the size and/or the ThinkAuto part number of the one- way valve to be fitted at the top of the Appolo, as well as those of the adapters if needed?

Should it be located at the top of the appolo or on the cam cover?





Hmm - dunno.


Peter Carmichael - who had some claim to developing/testing one-way-valves in this application (IIRC) - told me not to bother...


...so I didn't.


What are you trying to avoid? Low pressure on starting?


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻


Yes. I am concerned to have to wait for long before the needle moves. It takes probably even longer now that I have a Laminova fitted. Also, I start the engine only once a week, and I have the impression that the Appolo/Laminova circuit has completely dried up *confused* in the interval.




But how long does it currently take - and what instruments have you got?


I replaced my std. OP gauge with a SPA digital job - I can see the pressure rise to normal within (what feels like) just a second or two. The old gauge (IIRC) took longer to react and was quite disconcerting...


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Oh, here is a link to the thread where Peter C said:


None of the worries about cranking matter. There is enough residual oil to cope with the loads at idle speeds, so just start the engine and let the oil pressure come up.

... and that's from the bloke who invented the non-return valve in the Apollo tank installation.




Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻


Edited by - Myles on 4 Dec 2003 15:09:32




In reply to your e-mail I do not have the part number but I can mail you a digital photo if that will help. Without the valve, the oil drains out of the Apollo tank into the sump so when starting the engine there is a few seconds delay until the pressure returns. The one way valve stops the oil draining and even after not starting the car for nearly a month I still have instant oil pressure. Just imagine trying to sell a car where there appears to be no oil pressure for a few seconds, it would certainly make me think twice.



Mark D

Su77on Se7ens *cool*

Making plans for the 2004 Sprint Season


Pierre - no, it comes with it's own solid-state sensor... ...this being one of the reasons why it is so accurate *and* reliable.


...I got the dual OP/OT version - and the OT sensor replaces the one in the Apollo too...


Erm, I don't think I did a stellar job writing it up, but... Spa Oil/oil and basic installation instructions


I've got *some* piccies of the installation - I'll try and get the pages updated...


Keep BC free and open for ALL. Membership No. 43xx


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻

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