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I need a piece of 6-10 mm thick , perfectly flat carbon fibre. about the size of a sheet of A3 paper .


Anyone help me ? or point me in the right direction .




*thumbup* ta


Lotus 7 Club Speed Champion 2003 *eek*

South Wales Area Organiser *smile*

C7 TOP *tongue*


I need to find the sheet , then once the idea is proven , I will be able to offer it to everyone else ........


I dont want to say what it is at the moment in case its a load of rubbish and doesnt work .


Please help me find the sheet - you *will* like the idea *cool*(if it works)




Lotus 7 Club Speed Champion 2003 *eek*

South Wales Area Organiser *smile*

C7 TOP *tongue*


Its not another front spoiler - although Caterham copied my idea 6 months later *wink* 😬


and the spoiler did work !! , it will reappear in 2004 with improved mountings so that when I crash it wont take my nose cone with it .






Lotus 7 Club Speed Champion 2003 *eek*

South Wales Area Organiser *smile*

C7 TOP *tongue*

i'd be suprised if you could get a sheet of carbon fibre that thick - possibly a sandwich of carbon-substrate-carbon would do ?? (substrate = foam / honeycomb)


420mm X 300mm X "6-10mm" is a big hunk of carbon fibre Dave & suspect it would cost an arm & perhaps a couple of legs. *eek*


Have you thought about using ali to test the the thing first & save yourself a £ or ££? Easier to work with as well.


Thinking about it you've most probably done that already.




How do you get the dead flys off your teeth....... 😬


You can get carbon this thick , I have a set of F1 paddock wheels that are 13mm thick !!( they make excellent garage clocks!!) , and some small off cuts of 6mm carbon from the Arrows F1 team .


I cant use the Honeycombe for this job , it has to be solid *thumbup*


The ally version has been tested and works , I only need a little bit of carbon to prove the job and we will be away ......... *cool* *thumbup*


I have seen similar pieces for around £130 so far from aeroplane suppliers , I just wonder if anyone has an off cut ??




Lotus 7 Club Speed Champion 2003 *eek*

South Wales Area Organiser *smile*

C7 TOP *tongue*


Julian , Nah not a sump guard . I make those from 4mm ally kick plate - that worked too *smile* *thumbup*


Paulo - nah , not a bread board 😬


I may have found the carbon with an e mail off line *thumbup* fingers crossed



The parts will be for sale at the Llandow pre season shakedown trackday with a bit of luck


Lotus 7 Club Speed Champion 2003 *eek*

South Wales Area Organiser *smile*

C7 TOP *tongue*


Hi Dave,


E-mail me off Blatchat. I may be able to help but would need to talk. e-mail: easiclad@aol.com


Thanks for the plug Steve *wink*


Richard in France

Flying fast in my very bright yellow 226bhp Duratec 7, with internal kevlar/carbon panels and pushrod suspension 😬 😬 😬.for pictures of 7 and carbon


I thought about the MDF Dave , But I concluded that it wouldnt do the job *mad*


Gotta be carbon or Kevlar *thumbup*




Lotus 7 Club Speed Champion 2003 *eek*

South Wales Area Organiser *smile*

C7 TOP *tongue*

Dave, have you thought about getting offcuts of thinner CF and bonding together with epoxy, alternating the weaves, I know this is not exactly what you want, but might be ok for testing,

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