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Just assembling the rear hubs etc and the AG mentions a thrust washer, but doesn't describe it.


Would it happen to be a quite thick brassy type washer? Ta!




- Tim

- 2004 Caterham Academy competitor build diary here


Also, whats the definitive method of getting the faffing hub/disk assembly onto the faffing driveshaft?!


I've got it as far as I can by persuading it with a rubber mallet, the drive shaft now sits flush with the exit of the disk but it's not going any further, in either direction! Should it be this hard?


- Tim

- 2004 Caterham Academy competitor build diary here


A thrust washer looks just like a plain washer - it's the use to which it's put that designates it as a thrust washer.


Suggest you back-off the hub/disk by tapping "gently" and evenly around the circumference. It may take a little while to get off, but the key is to apply even "determination" to each blow. You also might like to try hitting it at diametrically oposite positions.


Once off, degrease and give both splines a good going over with a wire brush, then sparingly apply a smear of grease and they should slide on OK. The trick is not to get them "cocked" 😬


BRG Brooklands SV 😬 It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)


Problem solved. I managed to get it off as you suggested and then tried the other disc - went on much easier. Likewise the disc I just took off fitted the other side much easier.


Both assemblies now complete! Crikey it'll be on it's wheels in less than a week from delivery at this rate. 😬 *thumbup*


- Tim

- 2004 Caterham Academy competitor build diary here

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