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Contents of the catch tank


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Whilst having my daily poke about the car and worry about the slightest thing I dont know about, I noticed that the oil catch tank contains a small amount of light brownish liquid that seems to be too thin to be oil, it is fairly waterey and smells a bit like petrol, any ideas as to what this is, and what it indicates?



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If the engine were venting oily petrol then that's what your sump is full of - and it would have knackered it's bearings by now (oily petrol isn't the world's best lubricant). Chances are what you're seeing is just condensed oil vapour and a bit of water. Nothing to worry about.



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I had considered that it might be head gasket time, but then I had a look under the filler cap and at the dipstick and the contents of the expansion bottle, and they were all fine, and I wasnt losing any water.


I also thought that it might be petrol due to the fact that the engine was running very rich, however I have just had it rolling road tuned, and I know its not running rich anymore.


I did think it is as Mike says, just vapour and condensation, but I though I'd better see what the panel thought.

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Clubbers in South Yorkshire have taken to using dental syringes to inject

Ecstasy directly into their mouths.


This dangerous practice is known as E BY GUM and should be reported immediately.





Edited by - simon scott on 13 Feb 2001 09:56:08

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