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Types of Nyloc


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I am about to complete the front suspension on my 1963 Super Seven. I am replacing all the nuts and bolts with new ones. The Seven Owners Manual refers to two types of Nyloc nuts, Nyloc P and Nyloc T, does anyone know what that refers to? Are they Grade 5 or Grade 8, if so which is which?


Tony Bates

1963 Super Seven - SB 1761

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Nylocs are available in several material grades but commercial grades tend to be mild steel. I think that the GKN Code No. is 11.


The strength is quoted as 480/675 Mpa.


A number of different finishes are available.


The 'P' and 'T' designations refer to the "depth" of the nut.


'P' Type are referred to as 'Full'

'T' Type are fererred to as 'Thin'


This designation is used for all thread and material types.


I think most other manufacturers have used the same codes and sizes but I don't believe it is safe to assume any material properties/strength from the 'P' and 'T'


Hope this helps.

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