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Vaux Injection upgrades

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It's probably been dealt with before (although I can't find anything in archives) but what engine upgrades are there easily available for 2litre Vaux engines? I'm not looking to get anywhere near "fast arnie" spec but a bit more grunt wouldn't go amiss.

The Cat has already gone. Are there "chip" upgrades available? Does anyone have experience of them?

If I were to change the cams is my present map going to work or is it reprogramable? Would I need a tailored ECU and Weber alpha or the like?

Am I better of just losing the injection completely? I think I know the answer to this last question already - but cost is a consideration and I can't see that exercise costing much less than £1500. After years of Webers and SU's I quite like the reliabilty of injection anyway!

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Personally, I'd get rid of the injection. It is strangling your engine and a change to twin 45's (webers or if you can afford it, throttle bodies) would be a good first step. I have limited experience of the Vx EFi gear but I don't think it's reprogrammable for other cams but I may be wrong. I know other people have remarked negatively about the QED kits that are available, but my car originally had a Q420 kit with twin 45 webers in the engine and it worked a treat, giving approx 200BHP and feeling nothing like the standard Vx EFi car I recently drove. The change to throttle bodies improved pickup and throttle response but the car isn't much quicker for it.


Both Swindon and QED regard switching to 45 Webers as step one in upgrading the Vx engine.


have a look at QED's site for more info.



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Going to carbs will be the cheapest, but further upgrades will be more difficult, and increasingly unmanageable in terms of driveability. If you can afford it go for throttle bodies, they give better torque characteristics, smoother running, lower fuel consumption, and further upgrades are much easier, even up to fast arnie spec. It's suprising how quickly the thrill of extra power fades, leaving you with a desire for more. You can also try SBD as a source.





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Ok lads - I think you have confirmed what I knew in my heart of hearts already. I'm going to try and price up a change to Carbs.I think I'll strengthen up the bottom end anyway. My engine man is aledgedly already doing the R500 lumps so I trust him. Leaving that work out of the equation what am I going to need?

Carbs - Doh!, inlet manifold, filters, fuel pump, bonnet with cutout(presumably) some sort of ECU - what sort? Do I need a new tank?

Has anyone out there done it recently who can give me a rough idea of the cost of the whole exercise?

Thanks in advance!

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Are the throttle bodies for the Vauxhall significantly pricier than for other engines (or are twin 45s dead cheap as I always thought they were quite pricey)?


Being a dolt I would have thought TBs the way to go, thus keeping the reliability of the injection system with improved throttle response etc. etc. Maybe not much in the way of extra power in its own right, but if you're going to have to change all you mention for carbs anyway, then changing this lot with TBs would surely give a decent gain whilst making more extreme mods possible with less loss of flexibility? And the percentage increase on overall spend wouldn't be too hairy?


Perhaps I'm jaundiced by technical incompetence and experience of not only old MkII Escorts but also of an Alfa Sprint with enormous carbs, but I always found them to be a real p.i.t.a. and they only ever worked really well when freshly set up. Any deviations caused nightmares. They sound nice but the TBs I have on my K-series sound great too (and I'm 99% certain you can fit Jenvey's on a VX)...





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I'd agree with Andy - if you're going to the expense of buying carbs, manifold, ECU etc then get some Jenvey direct-to-head bodies from QED and keep it injected. You've aready got the right fuel tank/lines/pump/injectors etc. Direct-to-head bodies probably cost about the same as carbs anyway.



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Will bodies fit under the bonnet without a cutout? If so that makes them even more attractive coz of the cost savings there.

I've had good and very, very bad experiences with Webers as well. They're a bit of a black art I think. Took me about 10 years to find someone who really did know what he was doing with them & didn't think that constant leaks (on to the distributor of my Xflow) were entirely normal!

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It's going to depend on clearances between your head and the bonnet, plus what length trumpets and filter arrangement you go for...


I have no idea on the former as I've never had a ruler out against a VX (or my K for that matter)...the only one I've seen close up didn't look any worse than a 'k' though.


As for the latter, you can get all sorts of different types/lengths. I'm using 40mm trumpets with Pipercross sock filters (no backplate shenanigans) and these *easily* fit with no holes on the K-series.


Apparently longer length is better for the mid-range but I've yet to see this conclusively proved (may do so myself over the next few months) and for a VX I wouldn't have thought this too much of a worry.


I'm sure someone must have done this and will be able to give more info. I could measure the length from filter to head on my TBs if you like - I guess the VX ones would be similar in this dimension?




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You will have to cut the bonnet, so go for the 90MM trumpets. You are correct about carbs, one of the guys here had an upgrade to 200 BHP, and the (well known UK)engine tuner struggled to achieve it, with head work required in addition to the package originally quoted for.

Having said that, it now runs very well, but not as well as my car with TB's, and he now regrets going with carbs. When he took it for it's annual test it failed by a long way on emissions and he had to fit different pilot jets on which it would barely run, in order to get it through. Injection is the way to Go.

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> Will bodies fit under the bonnet without a cutout?


No but neither will carbs. Cutting a hole is cheap and easy (if a little daunting). Filling it in again or moving it if you change from carbs to direct to head or taper throttle bodies is the difficult bit.


Go for throttle bodies definetly, my choice would be SBD's taper throttle set-up, also made by Jenvey of course.

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Thanks for all your contributions & wisdom. It's always more convincing than when you hear it from someone who's trying to sell you £1500 of kit.

I've been speaking to QED and looking at SBD's website. As soon as I can get something even resembling consent from the missus (I did go to her parents for Xmas after all) I'm off to get myself some cams and throttle bodies. Anyone got a can opener for the bonnet cut out?

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You are making the right choice, however I would not go mad on cams as you will find the engine needs a steel bottom end to use the power band. The QED450 cams are too peaky - I suggest a piper profile (if you like I'll find out what they are) which with taper TB's from Jenvey (QED sell these) and DTA ign, will give you about 230bhp. If you go for this exact config i know somebody who has the map - hence no dyno session required.





Arnie Webb

Organiser- L7C Le Mans Trip

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I am installing an SBD direct TB kit at the moment - give me a ring on 0207 809 3237 days or 0207 249 9464 if you would like to discuss this. Needless to say there are problems to solve although if you already have the necessary high pressure fuel pumps and plumbing it will be easier. I may be able to save you some time and my typing is too slow to type it all in just now



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