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Daughter (11) has suddenly and seriously outgrown her 24" wheel Ridgeback MTB. We need to source a replacement, however, dont want to spend a fortune just yet as she is still growing (already over 5ft).

Ideally looking for a 26" wheel ally framed bike in medium - on line guides indicate around a 15" frame though she can easily ride her mums 17" framed bike. She would like front suspension and ideally disc brakes though V brakes would be fine.

Looking on Evans at new bikes there are lots of quality brands that meet this spec for around £250-300. Trying to avoid entry level bikes like Apollo but something like a Carrera would be fine. A hybrid would be suitable too as we dont do anything too hardcore!

If you have one lurking in the shed then please get in touch - I don't mind a bit of fettling - new cables, brake blocks, puncture fixing etc.

If nothing turns up on blatchat, Gumtree or ebay in the coming weeks, we will probably buy new late Autumn when everyone is discounting their 2017 models. 




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