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I have today cut out my problematic Maystar immobiliser and was feeling quite happy as the ignition worked and the engine started.

On testing the indicators do not work, yet hazards do also brake lights do not work, it is apparent that no power is getting to the brake switch or the indicator switch, fuses OK and Relays appear OK.

To get the Maystar out I had to rejoin two sets of wires, which had been looped into the Maystar, and cut out 2 wires that had been connected to the loom although not causing any breaks in the loom

Any ideas ?


"Standard" wiring colours.

Any progress?

I'd start with: 

  1. Choosing one of the affected circuits and tracing it in the diagram.
  2. Closing the relevant switch and turning the ignition on.
  3. Measuring the voltage to earth at all the points to which you can get access. Possibly starting with the terminals of the switch in the lock. 



Hi Johnathan

Just about to start again. I dont suppose you have the fuse layout for a Supersprint ? The fuses are all OK but it would be useful to know.



Thanks Jonathan, sorted & yes it was the ignition feed. When I soldered the wires together I pulled a lead off the back of the ignition switch.

What has been good is that I took the top off the pedal box to look aqt the brake switch and I found a frayed throttle wire which would have broken when I go up the hill in a few weeks time.

Once again thanks


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