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That engine is on a stand, not in the car. A spare. Well ... one of my spares! I think I have a bit of an OCD issue with building engines. Nice shiny immaculate engines that look and run like they just left the factory. I've even got one on a testbed with electrical, cooling and fuel systems so I can run it up to temperture. I clearly need help!

Ah I only have the one im afraid, my son-in-law re-fitted the engine recently and we were left with the remaining throttle body stay. I recon we should have fitted both stays first then attached the hoses last not the other way around cos we just cant see where it bolts onto the block. Is that correct?


Are you running individual throttle bodies or just one throttle body and a standard plenum chamber / inlet manifold? On a standard manifold there is only the one supporting strut (not sure if this was user with the plastic plenums or just the heavier aluminium VVC style ones).

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