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Engine cough/splutter....


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K Series 1800 with Emerald K3 ECU with a cough/splutter when dabbing the throttle coming down in speed/changing gear, but not changing/going in speed or under full load. Told maybe the throttle sensors or coil pack, do you agree and if so are they difficult to sort or do you have any other ideas? Thanks.

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I’ve been having a similar problem recently with the addition of a misfire an ensuing belch from the exhaust.  It is also a K Series 1800 with Emerald K3 ECU on Caterham TBs and I suspect it is heat related, however, those that I have consulted are not convinced.

Both TPS and coil pack have been suggested as a possible cause, along with a dodgy temperature sensor to ECU. TPS adjusted and TBs balanced by Andy at PGM, plus I have changed the sensor along with plugs & leads and it appears to behaving itself.....why did I say that....!  *banghead*  *scratchchin*

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Is it more wet splutter than dry cough?  

So are you steady in say, 4th gear, freewheel downshift to 3rd and blip throttle with the clutch in to match revs? If so, when you blip the throttle do the revs not rise much and it splutters?

Or when you're heal and toeing? Or as Mr L says, are you accelerating hard, lift off then put your foot in again and it splutters?  

It 'sounds like' it could be running rich.  Why it is running rich could be down to a multitude of things, including the TPS being out (you could be in the wrong load/speed site for example) or as I think Mr L could be suggesting, the 'overrun cut off' setting in the map.

I would have thought that a coil pack/lead issue would cause the engine to hesitate or as Phil G says, misfire.  That feels different to the splutter.  That's more you put your foot in and the car hesitates (it actually feels like it's slowing down), then catches up again.  It feels horrible and as if the engine is breaking (as well as braking).

Can you plug your laptop into the ecu?  If so then you can start to work through what it might be.

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It is worth disabling the overrun fuel cut setting as it is a simple, "no parts" test to eliminate it as a possible cause of the issue (provided that you are confident in reprogramming the ECU).

Depending on map settings and driving style, this setup can be prone to a lean misfire on resumption of fuelling after a prolonged overrun fuel cut event.

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Thanks for all your replies.

I have had Emerald take a look at my maps and seemingly the settings (from the previous owner) were all over the show.

They have re-mapped all three maps and the cough/splutter seems to be cured.

Good news and with no components needing to be bought....whoopee!

A big thank you goes to Emerald who connected to my cars ECU remotely over 200 miles away!


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