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Rough and knotchy gear change


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Hi there,

I have a 2004 car with a Type 9 5-speed gearbox.

The gear change has never been the smoothest (I've owned the car for a year and a half). The box was rebuilt in Autumn last year (for a different issue) and recently the gear change has been getting very rough and knotchy.

After researching the issue on Blatchat I found a good guide to replacing the bearing that the shift lever goes through, which can become corroded (http://www.myothercarsa2cv.co.uk/howto/glbearing.htm#sthash.a8UqIm2z.dpuf)

I spoke to Quaife to get a new bearing who were super helpful and sent through the new bearing.

When I removed the shift mechanism from the car this morning to replace the bearing I was surprised to see the bearing looking in perfect condition and moving beautifully.

Clearly this bearing was not causing the poor gear change, but based on the fact that the box has recently been rebuilt, I'm now stumped as to what could be causing the issue.

Any light anyone could shed on the issue would be massively appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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It doesn't seem to change too much with temperature.

Im not sure what oil it's filled with, whatever was used when it was rebuilt.

The box was rebuilt as I lost the ability to select gears (not just knotchy, selector in box not working at all). A good opportunity for a full rebuild.

Does that give you what you need to know?

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If the clutch adjustment is incorrect it will grate reverse gear when you try to engage so this is an easy one to check for.

I assume its the same in all gears or are some worse, again assume the box has only had road use and not done a season or two in academy etc which gives the baulk rings a fair work out!

Whilst there is no drain on the stock type 9 you can syphon the oil out with a syringe etc - best done with warm oil.

Redline MTL oil is a good oil which gives a constant smooth shift and the right spec (GL4) - these boxes came with various oil lelvel plugs depending upon original use - but work best with 1.2L of oil.



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