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rear damper top fixing key size


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IIRC, it's a 1/2" imperial bolt, requiring a 3/8" hex key.

I don't know whether this changed with the metric chassis.  If so, the bolt would very likely be M10 requiring an 8mm hex key.  My (metric) car's not to hand so I can't check.

If it's 3/8", either cut the end off a 3/8" allen key and use a 3/8" socket, or spend a little more for one of these.

What year/chassis is your car?

Edited to add:

Very useful link to Shaun's Bolt List.  Thanks, JK.

So, for the metric chassis, the bolt is M10 requiring an 8mm key.




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thanks for all of the input, I have now established that 8mm is too small, so it seems that it must be 3/8". I will try and find a key amongst my 50 year collection of A/F and Whitworth tools, all bundled together and spread across 3 Tool boxes   

again, thanks for the help.


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It was 3/8" that was needed, I found an old Allen Key, and as suggested cut a piece off it, and then found an old 3/8" AF impact socket, mated them together using some insulating tape and job's a good un!

Only mystery is why on earth I would have aquired a 3/8"  impact socket in the past, although fortunate, but having worked mostly on trucks in the past I can't imagine that I would have ever needed it.....lol

Thanks again for the imput from you all.....

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