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I have a non-starting problem with my '97 k-series supersport, but one which I haven't had before. The car does suffer from k click, and I have bought the wherewhithal to do the relay mod, but given building work at our house, and the car 'staying' at my parents over an hour away (just outside Coventry), I haven't yet had the chance to fit it.


I went to their place on saturday to pick up the car, it having been stationary since mid December, (though on a battery conditioner) with the following results:


1. First attempt - v sluggish part turnover, but no 'fire'. Not unexpected.

2. second attempt - even less turnover, even more sluggish response.

OK, I thought - fluids and lubricants are just cold, including the battery - I'll just jump start it from the tin top.

3. third attempt - jump start. No response at all. Not even turning over the engine. Now I get the odd click from the relays, but nothing else. I did the patented 'rocking' but with no result.

4. fourth attempt - OK - bump start should work, as that should force the engine to turn over and get past the moment of inertia. Nothing doing. At the point of dropping the clutch, the car just pulled up, and I couldn't get the engine to even turn over.


Being short of time by this point, I gave up and put it back in their garage. I'm planning to go up there at the end of this week, to see what I can discover before calling out the RAC if I have to.


Any pointers as to where I should be looking, and what diagnostics I can run would be greatly appreciated.


Many thanks



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Thanks. That does look to be a good place to start, and thanks for that pointer to the recent thread which my searches hadn't pulled up.


If it does turn out to be at least in part down to a dying/dead battery, is just replacing the Banner with a Banner the way to go, or do people recommend alternatives

(Ultramax, Oddesey, Varley etc).



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Thanks for all of your input guys. It turned out to be a shot battery. First voltage check this morning showed overcharging (13.7v), but as soon as it was asked to do anything, voltage dropped to just over 8v. Not surprising that it wouldn't start.


Seems much happier now with it's nice new RMD-25, though I did have to do a bit of creative rerouting of wires (and extending one) to get things fitting neatly.

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