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startemotor Q Zetec engine

elie boone

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Hi Elie


Cant help you with numbers, but not sure it will fit. Which sump will you use? The starter on mine is exhaust side and a very close fit to my Scholar cut and shut sump. It requires a cut out plate that the stater rests in. Don't think the Raceline sump gives you the option either.


That side of the block does have a high up space for a starter, but this doesn't line up with the starter position on a type 9 bell housing. If you need any pictures or measurements, let me know and ill see what i can do.


Ian B.

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The engine is a Dunnel with their low line sump,Bell will be RS2000 so that i have the option to use a startermotor on the RHS for a LHS drive car. It's Dunnel that provided the Lucas part nr, the LRS707 is from a CVH engine.



BTW what happend to the M25 ? yesterday no traffic jam at all from the tunnel to Shoreham and back, did everyone stayed at work for the tube strike ?

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Ok, not seen the Dunnell sump. It is a modified ford part though, so is probably very similar to the Scholar one that i have. Might be worth a call to Dunnell to check that a induction side fit is possible. If it fits i "think" the mounting holes are symetrical, so you can fit it and the solenoid will end up in the same position relative to the block, but the electrical connections will be on the top rather than the bottom.
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as fas as i know, Dunnel or Raceline is allways the same starter.


My first 2,0l Zetec(silvertop) was with James Whiting/Dunnel kit, now my second (silvertop) is with Raceline Kit, allways the old x-flow starter.


I bought the starter from redline caterham.

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The situation is complicated by which flywheel you intend to use the 707 starter is for zetec based flywheels. I use a formula ford spec lightened zetec flywheel from Minister, and therefore needed the 707 style starter. The original raceline lightened flywheel was designed to work with the original crossflow starter. This also has consequences for which clutch and CRB you require. I reused all of my 2.0 zetec clutch and a Ford Transit release bearing (cct303), which seems to be working well.
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