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Rover distributor to wasted spark


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Just finishing the winter upgrade and am in the process coverting to wasted spark using the standard eu3 rover setup. Trying to do things as neat at possible as I hate to have extra wires spliced in here there and everywhere. I am using an Emerald and currently use pin 25 white/black for the single coil. I propose to move this to pin 12 (tacho output) so as to get my tacho to read correctly. Original coil plug (inc white/black) now redundant and cable tied up. I have redundant IACV wiring and so was going to move IACV 1 to pin 25 to be the signal for coil 1, IACV 2 to pin 5 to be the signal for coil 2. Now the question - there is a brown and pink 12v in the IACV plug that is common to the brown and pink 12v ign supply in pin 28 (as far as I can tell). I would like to use this brown/pink rather than the brown/pink in the original coil plug. The idea is to simply use the IACV loom to operate the coils but I need to know that the two brown/pinks are common.
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