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tall driver (Again)


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Hi, I know these things have been discussed before but I couldn't find all the relevant threads.


I currently share a Caterham with my brother. I'm 6'3" and he isn't, which means when I drive I need the seat (leather adjustable) right back , but he needs it forward. Even with the seat right back (pedals adjusted) I still struggle for space (height and legroom). Are other seats available that give more room but are still adjustable ? I havn't yet tried removing the foam padding from the leather seat, and I'm not sure how much extra space this gives.


Eventually the plan is to have my own Caterham, so the seat won't need to be adjustable but until then I'm struggling to fit...




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I'm 6'2" and I've leather adjustable seats as well. If I didn't have a mini removable MoMo I'd be unable to get in let alone drive! I've heard about replacement seat pads for the larger chap. Where could I get my hands on one? It's either that or go on a diet and I like currys too much for that.
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The replacable seat base is definately the way to go, not only does it improve the leg room but it also drops your height in the car so you actually look through the windscreen, what a bonus !


I have just invested in a pair of driving boots and have had to move the seat forwards ! I had to look up in the manual how to move the seat as I never expected to have to do that !


If you need any help with getting new seat base etc drop me a mail



R212 DKX


6'4" Tall

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It's more of a leg room problem than height. Although I'm 6'3" I have inside leg of 34" so it's definitely leg room that's the real prob, with my left knee wedged up between steering wheel and dash. Placing the foot behind the clutch pedal helps a bit, but changing gear is dodgy ;-).


I may try a smaller wheel to see if that helps.


Thanks for the advice so far..



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If I go for a smaller (Removable) steering wheel what is the smallest that is practical ? I read somewhere that someone went for aq really small wheel (can't remember size) and the thing was almost impossible to drive. Any experience anyone ? What about flat bottomed wheels which may give extra leg room ?


I'm still planning to buy my own Seven, which means that I don't need adjustable seats... but first I need to sell my TVR which is taking up garage space...





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I would reiterate what others have said about concentrating on the seat base. I personally like larger steering wheels (I use a 290mm item) which I am comfortable behind despite a 33 in inside leg, and 6ft 3in overall height. The standard seat base can be pulled out and a foam pack item made up. See "Tall lanky git can't see dials" 3rd September under tech talk for details. If you do this, with a 96 onwards spec car, I can set the car up so that I cannot reach the pedals comfortably, and there are compromise settings that I, and a much shorter person can use by swapping the seat base back, and adjusting the seat position. Sounds complicated, but changing drivers is literally a matter of seconds


The best solution though is to have your own car - then you can set it up to fit you like a glove, with no compromises!

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Rob, don't go for the flat bottom steering wheel - I had one until recently but found it annoying as occassionly a turn requires you to move your hands from the ten-to-two position and you discover that for one hand there is no wheel!! Once in the car it doesn't actually give you any more leg room.

For getting in and out a removable wheel is better, plus it is an additional security device.

Size wise the smallest is probaby 260mm (why do I get the feeling that this thread is suddenly going to get longer - Anna?)


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I use a 26cm MoMo removeable wheel. I don't have to remove it to get in, but I found any larger wheel made the car impossible to drive (no leg room, particularly for clutch). The wheel itself is great, apart from one of the small bolts on it that corroded after 6 months and I replaced it because it annoyed me a bit!
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