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Play Misty For Me

John E

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Any bright ideas on keeping the inside of the screen clear on wet rainy days. I dont have a heated screen and so far have used a screen leather to keep the vision intact. I'm tempted to rig up some ducting from the heater outlet unless there is a better way of clearing the mist.
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I should have known better shouldnt I. A stupid question to ask.blush.gif Ah well never mind. But maybe not. Anna, you've given me an idea. A diving mask and snorkle. thumbsup.gif


Edited by - John E on 29 Sep 2000 14:56:31


Edited by - John E on 29 Sep 2000 14:57:31

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Top Tip .

If your screen mists up , dont clear it ...take the opportunity of getting in practice for driving in the fog . This will quicken your reactions and make you a safer driver ! . Then when its realy foggy on the motorway you will be a highly trained individual who will be able to safley travel yards from the car in front at 90mph .

You will be setting an example to other road users .


Dave J

Lotus 7 Club Road Safety Advisor

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Sorry to post a sensible reply but:-

Mix a solution of water and washing up liquid in ratio of 20:1 then wipe this all over the inside of the screen and leave to dry.

Works every time

I tried to come up with a facetious and flippant reply as usual but couldn't think of any this time!



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