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I was at Emerald yesterday for Dave Walker to map a French customer's Duratec Exige.


Dave showed me some fake Pico 480cc injectors. Very good copies. You can see the difference when you put them side by side to a genuine one.


By coincidence my French customer had bought some cheap Picos for himself and all his Elise mates in France only for them to fail on the rolling road he uses in Belgium. Lots of travel time and money wasted. The copies don't atomize properly and usually fail after a short while remaining stuck open for fuel to piss out (notice I'm using pro technical jargon to describe this). One failed half way through the mapping session. Luckily he managed to return the injectors and got all his money back.


He ended up buying the "expensive" genuine ones from me after wasting quite a bit of time and money. When the genuine ones were fitted the map had to altered considerably as the fakes were delivering fuel at a completely different rate.


I had a phone call from the States a couple of months ago from someone wanting to sell me Picos at half of what I normally pay for them. $1000,00 minimum order. Someone Dave knows fell for it, forked out over 600 quid, and the all the injectors are failing one by one.


So, if the price is too cheap I would avoid them like the plague. You'll save yourself, money time and grief.




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