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I may have missed something, but......

Where is it, where should it be and who should be proudly sporting it 🤔 🤔


Comp secs video may well answer last question *idea* 😬




I think you will find that my escapade wos occurin durin the practice part of the day *wink*


You may also find after some research that the Chairman has kept hold of it as he thinks its a lucky charm. He has sported it for nearly 2 months now 😳


However since we is "The Management" I have ensured we retain the rights to this trophy despite many others trying their best to get their hands on it.


Therefore Mr Nelson (who sneaked off where no one could see - after the first corner on the last run) will be wearing it at Curbs 2.


He put so much grass on the road he ruined my final run at the Chairman.

He put so much grass on the road he ruined my final run at the Chairman.


Driver's excuse #117(b) *tongue*



Drowned Rat Racing


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