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Hi all, I went to fit new drop links for the rear ARB as one of my balls *eek* is loose. Took the top mount out no problem bu the bottom one seems to be bolted to the bolt that mounts the trailing arm (95 chassis dedion)? I tried to undo it but to no avail. Is this a normal fitting or should I have bought ones that come with the bolt part of the drop link? Would prefer not to have to cut it off and then try to get the thread out.


Many thanks




Kev, the head of the suspension bolt is drilled and tapped and the lower drop link 'ball' screws into it. You should be able to remove the drop link clip and the ball 'cap' and grip it by the ball 😳. A good dose of heat on the bolt head should help, with some plusgas. Without looking I can't remember whether its possible but can you remove the trailing arm bolt and get the whole thing in a vice?





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