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I'm just fitting my (Caterham) CF front wings and I notice that one of them is not as shiny as the the other. It's a sort of satin semi gloss opposed to the shiny gloss finish of the other.


Can I safely polish up the duller one with something like Autoglym Super Resin Polish (very very fine cutting action), or would this damage the surface?







You may well be OK to use the Autoglym SRP, but I'd be looking to use something more like Meguiars PlastX or Renovo Plastic Polish, which formulated for this kind of thing. I'd also put a coat of the Mer Bumper & Vinyl Gel or 303 Aerospace Protectant.


Not that I'm a polisher mind 😬 Actually I use this kind of stuff so I don't have to keep cleaning it *thumbup*





Don't use polish on carbon! The 'white stuff' can get into the resin. I think most use a pledge type polish, or tyre dressing/silicone etc.


RiF had developed something I think - before the untimely ☹️


Do a search as it has been discussed before.

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