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Hi Martin.


I am also quite surprised at the lack of posts following Harewood.


I may have got this wrong but I think the class winners from yesterday were:


Class 1 - Andrew Willoughby

Class 2 - Rob Spencer

Class 3 - Richard Price

Class 4 - Mike Sankey

Class 5 - Simon Rogers


I am certain of Classes 1, 3 and 5 but may have made a mistake on 2 and 4 but sure I will be corrected if wrong.


It was a great day and it stayed dry and plenty of personal bests were beaten which is always nice to see. Not sure if any records were broken, but again I am sure someone else can comment on that.


I hope that it is true that you and Julie will be back for Curbs in a few weeks - if so, see you then *wavey*




*thumbup* Thanks

Hi Mark, We will both be there for the full weekend, just me competing...... really looking forward to competing again and of course catching up with everyone.

Nigel, hope the oil spill wasn't the result of anything too serious


Yes Nigel does now hold the official record for the largest amount of oil spilt before the start line 😬 😬 Nigel do hope it is just the seal as you thought!


Class 4 result:-


Michael (class 5 really) Sankey 61.96.

CH-H 62.00

Stuart (oh so close) Miller 62.12

Paul (I like it at the beach) Forster 63.38

Chris (I will just adjust this) Gibbs 64.15

SWMBO 64.21

Clive (I have a shiney new one) 66.21

Nigel - lack of oil prevents me saying!!


As previous an excellent day, in fact weekends. The weather stayed pretty dry and the competition was as close as ever *wink* Roll on Loton *eek*


If only everything in life was as simple as a 7!!


Fantastic day - thoughly enjoyed my first visit to Harewood, and for once, felt that I had wrung as much out of the car as I could!


Thanks to organisers / marshalls for a well run event.


Congrats to Andrew for yet another win in class one and to Paul Brown and David Lynch for close competition for a podium place.


Any one found any links to any pics?


Looking forward to Loton next weekend. *smile*




Congratulations Andrew and well done Paul and David. It will be good to see the times in due course. Sounds to have been a great weekend again.



Well, that was a fab weekend. More excellent competition in Class 3 (if you ignore that pesky Price chap 😶‍🌫️) and a very pleasant evening of camping and drinking Jeff's Class 3 Nobbler (it may not have nobbled but it was very tasty - thanks Jeff). After an initial trip into the gravel - I'm sure somebody tightened up the left hander before Orchard since last year - I had a great day's driving. Can't wait for Loton.


Paul - just think what you could do with a car that has power....... *tongue* 😳


Ian - it was good to hear that your car has started the recovery process. It'll be good to see you out and about again. *wavey*


Some pics will be here shortly. More pics and the results will eventually be here.


Viper blue and red Roadsport A. Speed Championship blog here


I know shared drives are encouraged in hillclimbing but surely cloning is cheating Mr Headmaster *confused*



Edited by - Greg P on 9 Aug 2010 19:51:59


A few pictures from Saturday at Harewood, not part of the Club championship but a few Caterhams were in evidence. Sorry, I didn't go on Sunday; but in my defence - she is blonde and prettier than you.



See my Build Cam to check on my Roadsport Sigma.


Nice one Chris - But I was only competing in Class 5 on Saturday 😬 I just wonder if I remembered to turn the wick down *confused*

Amazingly close at the end in Class 4 - with Stuart's time (on warm tyres) after the 2nd timed showing what could be done. I am told his lip quivered a bit when we posted quicker time on the 3rd run - well he is only young 😬, but it was a great time for someone who had only seen the hill the day before - and with out walking it before the first practice on the Saturday. I think the grey brigade had better be on the money at Loton!

Glad to see that Paul didn't disappoint - but not his usual place.....



Rob 😬


Oil filter was loose and rubber seal had popped out. New filter and oil and all seems fine.

Nearly poisoned myself spraying Gunk with compressed air, but nice and clean ready for Loton.

I'm wondering whether to clamp a Jubilee clip round the oil filter and wire lock it to something solid to help prevent a repeat.


Full time class 4 Zetec

Not sure but I may have broken a record for best improvement.....only my second event, but started on a nervous 103 seconds Saturday morning, ending on Sunday with 76 seconds!
Jess, you did brilliantly this weekend! I was completely in awe of your improvement and times, both of which I completely failed on - I just didn't "get it" at all yesterday! Good luck at Loton and see you at Curborough!


What filter are you using as I remember reading that it's possible to thread a filter on that seems to fit OK but is in fact the wrong thread and can come loose. Have a look on W***field forum I think it was there i saw it.

FYI I use a WIX WL7064 which is the shallow one to clear the steering column and I know that's the correct thead.



Sounds like Sunday was a great day, ashame I missed it. I spent the day stripping the car down, nearly ready for repairs next week.


Hopefully be back for Anglesey!!




Talking about Anglesey,


I was hoping to be out for Curborough, but now know that I cant.

In fact, Anglesey will be my first (and second) event this year





(aka VII SVN)

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I should point out that the Class 2 win actually went to Paul Collins who pipped me on the final run 😶‍🌫️. It was very close all day though and that always gets a bit more adrenalin going. Well done Paul.

Fortunately (for me) the late Loton shower prevented Paul (and a few others too)nicking second place on Saturday 😬 😬



Thanks for showing those DAD!!

I could see the old bonfire patch coming up in my 'slightly' off-line path - but couldn't do anything to miss it ☹️

At least I wasn't the last one off *smile*, phew!


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