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The manual states that the handbrake switch is not used, so what is the wire dangling in the exact spot where the handbrake will sit? Can I remove the switch to "add lightness"? 😬







Having recieved my handbrake cable today I'm wondering the same thing, especially as there are several connections in the engine bay that arn't mentioned at all but need to be connected *confused*


Roadsport 125 SV build started

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Remove the micro switch - it's not used on the Caterham. The three connectors behind the hand-brake in the tunnel are for the 12V socket feed - Earth, 12V and illumination (refer to wiring schematic for which colour does which). I connected into these and ran a cable back along the tunnel to under the dash where I've got a 3-way socket. Alternatively, you could take a fused feed directly from the another source like the battery, but the original one is correctly fused and presented via the loom.

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