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I've been attempting to track down a leak on the tin top for a little while


Finally found it this evening - where the bonnet release cables come into the car through a rubber grommet, the surround metal is a little porous . . . As it's flippin hard to get to from either side - above the clutch master cylinder inside and under the expansion tank which is rather trapped under the scuttle, bonnet side, I need to bodge it temporarily (ie about a year when I've got my house finished and garage built) and quickly - I need it to tow the caravan on holiday next monday. So I'm thinking some form of spray on rubber or sealant I can point vaguely at the area and cover it . . .


I don't think my fingers are long enough to blather silicon / sealant all around, so it'll have to be blown at it.


I would use a shultz and an air fed gun, but getting it all off next year doesn't fill me with joy.


So any suggestions - have compressed air, shultz gun, pressurised spray pot etc ready to apply.



-Caterham and Dutton have sat out all winter and in all the torrential rain we've had here - both bone dry (admittedly the Dutton does have large drain holes in to quickly let water in and back out when crossing deep fords on events - keeps the wheels on the gound), but the integrale has soaked it's under carpet felt a couple of times.





Just used this myself for something similar - Hard to reach porous problem 😬 Have a look HERE *thumbup*



Also available in CLEAR so it wont look a mess *wink*


Edited by - Billyboy on 26 Jul 2010 22:38:42


The plasti dip is interesting stuff. I've been playing with it in a few places (mine is black, incidentally).


I originally thought it would be good to cover an expanding foam seat. It wasn't too bad, but as you can't get the foam to form to a nice finish every where, it would really need to be covered in something smooth first. That was beyond me, so I went back to duck tape.


I've also just used it to cover the front of my badly stone chipped rear wings. That's left a very nice finish, although if you wanted a much better finish then you would need to fill the holes in the gel coat first. I'll see how well that holds up after a couple of races.


To give a good finish, you'll need to be able to point at the offending area from about 8" away. And to mask everything you don't want sprinkled. When you get a good even covering, it leaves a nice smooth finish.





That product looks great.. I wonder if it would look ok on my internal door handles in the tin-top.. even new they lasted 3 weeks before rings and nails scratched the soft surface off them.
*arrowup* *thumbup* Looking at the gallery on the website some people have used it to re-coat dash parts and other rubber type coated car interior to good as new effect........take a look

I used the Plastidip for my front wishbones and roll cage, use the grey primer 1st and apply several coats and it works a treat. Resilient to stone chips as well *thumbup*






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92 Supersprint, Ford LSD LA, RK AX Crossflow. Stealth model (Matt Black and Ali), rebuild completed.


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