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MEMS Immobiliser


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Slightly off topic, but an incredibly frustrating day yesterday which ended with me leaving my old Land Rover in a car park in the middle of no-where and a long cab ride home!

The car has the same 'plipper' as the Caterham / Rover MEMS. I'd been having an intermittant problem with one of the plippers for a while so taken to carrying both around with me. Yesterday I couldn't get the immobiliser and alarm to disarm with either fob. I have a new battery kept in the car but this didn't seem to work. I'm assuming it is the fob and not the immobiliser itself, but given that the car is presently abandoned circa 120 miles from me and in the middle of no where I've a couple of questions for the BC panel:


Is it possible to test a plipper at a dealer?

If I need a new plipper can I go to a LR dealer and since I have the original ones with me get one coded there so I can go and get the car?

Does the car need to be presented to the dealer to match the plipper and ECU (this would be a major PIA for the above logistical reasons!!!)

Anyone aware of any cost effective routes for this - I'm assuming LR main dealer will fleece me for the new coded plipper!

Couldn't get the emergancy key access thing to work either - any tips?


Thanks in advance



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I've asked one of our Field Support Engineers about this - we're looking into it.


Can you blatmail me your VIN - I can then check that the EKA (emergency key access)code you are using is correct.


Can you also tell me the age of the vehicle.






-----See some pictures of the build here. 16000 miles completed!

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