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......on the clutch thrust rod on my racing Davrian and it's transformed into the fun thing it once was.


A previous owner had messed up the machining of the lightened flywheel so the gearbox wouldn't fit back onto the engine, and had fitted a 5mm spacer, but not extended the clutch thrust rod, so the clutch action was severely restricted.


you can imagine the result....full race straight-cut CR box with LSD, race clutch with roller thrust bearing, with insufficient clutch action...crunch crunch etc.


Now, it's like an electric switch, the gearshift is brilliant! Still a bit clunky into first, and the lethal possibility of getting reverse instead of dropping from third to second, but a mechanical reverse lockout will fix that.


I took it out today and it settled down into a fine whining from the box, and a deep bellow from the across the back panel tuned SS exhaust.....thrashed around for half an hour, got back and realised it had no front number plate.... *eek*


I must get around to fitting the new engine in the SV..... *tongue*


Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds..ooooh hooo hooo!!...

😬 😬Abbey Road Time-Machine *eek* *eek*



Edited by - unclefester on 6 Nov 2007 21:33:34

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