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I would like to know if someone has a picture or two of their installation of a CC dry sump on a K.


Mine being a very early version is causing me grief, some oil is ejecting it self throught the bellhousing cap and I want to resolve this problem.






Emily, The Very Yellow 21


Well you say bellhousing cap I presume you mean the screw on cap at the top of the tank. Have you checked the condition of the rubber seal in the cap? I think this has been a common problem though I've not suffered it on the two sevens I've had with DS.



Sussex (West) AR

Not forgetting Percy the Polar Bear


Hi Steve


I don't have a screw on cap, it is more like a pressure cap, like there was on old radiators. And the seal is made out of cark which I had made specialy.




Emily, The Very Yellow 21


That's a new (well old I guess) one on me. It the top of the tank to which it fits a separate peice bolted on like the later ones? Perhaps you could swap that for the newer on and gain the screw on cap that way.



Sussex (West) AR

Not forgetting Percy the Polar Bear


I think I have a ds tank top section with a "normal" cap , this is the original style without the coning tower - mail me off line with a picture of your present one and I'll check in the garage tonite :-))




here is C7 TOP

Taffia rear gunner


Thank for the pic Paul


The part I don't have is the "black tower"

The oil returns are on the on the the part on which the tower is attached to.


I have some pics of my set up, I'm just strugling to host them somewhere




Emily, The Very Yellow 21


Beat me to it.


Looks to me like your top plate can be replaced by the one DJ has without any further changes.



Sussex (West) AR

Not forgetting Percy the Polar Bear


yep - thats the same as the one in my garage - its the original fitment without the coning tower . Works fine but the oil wont be de airated so well . I ran ofr 4 years with that and 8200 rpm and no issues.


It does work fine - it sounds like you need a new cap and or I suspect that oil breather hose is the wrong diameter and isnt sealing very well with the jubilee clip and you could have over filled it slightly and hence the cap is always bathed in oil ?.





here is C7 TOP

Taffia rear gunner


Assuming your bellhousing base has the same dimensions and bolt holes, why not fit the conning tower.



Deliveries by Saffron, *thumbup* the yellow 230bhp Sausage delivery machine


How much oil do you have in yours?


The level in mine just touches the bottom of the plate which sheiled the oil return pipe.


Do you know who makes the cap?




Emily, The Very Yellow 21


About 4.5 litres... normally, I slightly overfill and let the surplus blow out into the catch tank.


If you do a "search", you will find a reference to dipping to measure the depth of oil in the tank. A figure like 10.5" springs to mind but you will need to do a search to confirm.



Deliveries by Saffron, *thumbup* the yellow 230bhp Sausage delivery machine


Indeed I have a 10 incher 😳 (Dipstick that is 😬) Measured from the bottom of the tank.



Sussex (West) AR

Not forgetting Percy the Polar Bear

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