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YBNS car seems to ride VERY low for a road car. There must be only 3" under the sump. It’s certainly lower than my track based car!


Is it possible to increase the ride height on a car fitted with Billies but not with adjustable platforms?


I am thinking it may be possible to remove the springs and slide the bottom platform tube up and put the circlip back on one grove higher. That’s if there are any groves above the one that it’s currently set on. We would of course need to do something with the rears to maintain a reasonable rake.


Your advice would be very welcome



Grant Taylor - OBNS Motorsport

😬 1.6K with 183 BHP of Black and 'Stone Chip' excitement. 😬



I thought 3" was the norm 🤔


Anyway, yours sits much, much lower than 3" when your on track

*tongue* *tongue* *tongue*


Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬


Could the issue be softer spring rates meaning that with driver (and pax) in the car it sits lower. Are you measuring loaded or not?



Sussex (West) AR

Not forgetting Percy the Polar Bear

The height need to go up 10 to 15mm at both ends in my opinion for safe road use


Must be all them cart tracks up in your part of the country 😬



Sussex (West) AR

Not forgetting Percy the Polar Bear

Anyway, yours sits much, much lower than 3" when your on track exclamation!!


What Nifty means is, have you seen how low your car is when you're sitting in it!!!



Aero'd supersported ex-Roadsports B...anyone got a cheap LSD/ 6 speed box?


It is not impossible that the dampers might have seen better days. If they are not as authoritative as they should be, this could cause excessive grounding out, even with "correct" ride heights.


What happens if you grab the front wishbones and attempt to bounce the car on its springs? Is it easy to set up a resonance?

It is possible to move the spring platforms by relocating the circlip into anothe rgroove exactly as you describe. You would need to have a groove above the groove you're currently using. Be aware that there are different dampers available that look outwardly similar but have differently positioned grooves. I fitted live axle dampers to my dedion with M0 spec once. The front end was great but the back couldn't keep up. However, I had to machine a new groove (Caterham did this for me) far higher up the body. It is possible that yo uhave the wrong dampers fitted (worse possible case) which don't have the right groove position for your car. Bet you can just use a different groove though. Unfortunatley the groove is probablhy obscured by your spring platform so you may need to remove the damper from the car or otherwise compress thte spring to find if you have a groove available :)

I always knew that I was going to have to strip the dampers to have a proper look.

Peter, I know that bouncing is not the 'real' way to test them but is does give a fair indication.

Is it easy to set up a resonance?
No they feel spot on.


My car has a number of groves and I have played with them in the past as my car has adjustable platforms is a bit easier. Matt's car doesn’t have the adjustable platforms. I will check out the springs with CC tomorrow as they look in 'as new' condition. I wonder if the springs have been changed for the wrong lengths??!



Grant Taylor - OBNS Motorsport

😬 1.6K with 183 BHP of Black and 'Stone Chip' excitement. 😬


just to confirm, you don't need adj platforms to be able to move the platform position on the damper. Std platforms will also move from one groove to another

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