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After a hibernation to address rampant rust I started the car last week and it started instantly, ran ok if a bit lumpy. (its on webers with alpha weber igniton) This weekend when I tried to start it up for an oil change it first fired briefly and then would not re start or run. Eventually I got it to fire up and run, it seems only on cylinders 1&2. I checked this by removing the plug leads in turn and removing leads 3&4 doesnt alter the running. It seems to have a spark on 3&4 so I took out the main jets and filters from the back carb and although there was a deal of crud in the filter the jets seemed clear and re assembling made no difference except it backfired loudly a few times.


Any suggestions for diagnosis?




The back two look quite dry which makes me think it is afuel problem but since I have also checked that the butterflies are opening I'm not sure which way to go next.




stuck float/needle valve on rear carb? Give the carb bodya sharp tap to see if this frees it off. If its been dormant for a while you may have had some fuel in the float chamber already and once burnt its not being replenished. Can't think what else.






There are five screws securing the top cover. You'll also need to disconnect the fuel pipe banjo union. Gently lift off the cover being careful that the float pivot pin doesn't fall out and get lost! Turn the top cover upside down and check that the floats are free and the needle valves aren't stuck. If you blatmail me with your email address I can send you some details and pictures that will help. Not hard to do although I suspect a good sharp whack will put it right! I take it the fuel pump is working ok and you can hear it ticking.





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