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A Frame Bush


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Bear with me, I'm a bit of a 7 newbie....


I have a lot of rear suspension noise when going over bumps. It sounds like the boot floor is bouncing around.


I've checked the shocker mounts, trailing arms, wheel bearings, boot floor and removed the spare wheel. Still noisy *mad*


With the car on the ground and the suspension normally loaded, I got SWMBO to rock the rear wheel vertically. The only play I can see is in the bush where the A frame meets the Dedion tube. With the most violent rock SWMBO can muster the bush moves around 2mm along the axis of the bolt.


Is this an acceptable level of play or is it ready for a new one?


Could the crashing noise be the dedion tube moving around as its not being adequately restrained by the A-frame ?






Oh, BTW, 03 Roadsport with 43k miles

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I had this some years ago now. I replaced all the 'A' frame bushes with powerflex items and have not looked back. Not sure if they are available any more.


Its a bugger to get the old metalastic ones out without using a press though, as they seem to rust themselves in.


seem to remember the part number for the CC Metalastic is pb636/2 but please check first.

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Other frequent possibles are - handbrake cable banging on floor - sounds like a drum, or, on our car, the anti-roll bar knocking on the underside of the diff housing - got some heater hose around it now !



And you run and you run to catch up with the sun, but it's sinking...


And racing around to come up behind you again. new link to photos

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I have the same symptoms, and also suspect the A frame bush. The car is very twitchy in a straight line, needing frequent correction, although I'm unsure if this is just a Caterham thing.

Going to change the A bush anyway. :)


New owner of BOSS

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Hi Tim just been on the Powerflex internet site and the part numbers of the A frame powerflex bushes are The forward bushes are PF8-901and the centra rear bush is PF8-903 Hope this helps 😬 Regards Paul ps this is on the early chassis up to 1996 the later forward bush is PF8-901


Edited by - Paul Formston on 26 Jul 2007 16:56:33


Edited by - Paul Formston on 26 Jul 2007 17:49:01

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Tim, I am sure that replacing the A frame bush wil be the answer to your problem. The bush was worn out on my LA car at 6000 miles (used for road use only) but I query the use of Polyurethane bushes. What is the experience of other users? CC Midlands who replaced mine, say they change these bushes after every race meeting so why don't they use these poly bushes if they are so good?

Are they TOO good ie do they take the compliance out of the system. Anything to stop the regular struggle to get these damned things in (see previous threads on this topic) but is it a case of rubber is best?

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As there has not been any reply to my earlier item on the use of polyurethene bushes I have searched earlier threads on this topic and there is some good advice concerning the merits and OTHERWISE on the use of these bushes.


I will continue as nature (and ACBC) intended as use rubber *thumbup*

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