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Black Knight

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My wing fell off and I used Sikaflex 292+bighead tyrap holders..I spent ages cleaning the wing so that you could eat your lunch off it . Then stuck the bigheads on and then left them for 4 days. Now they are stuck..


Bought the Sikaflex on the web..Think I used this one..


Was told use only 292

Damm dear but well worth it.




Northerner in a Nova Violet Brute.S777 XTC

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How about here and look under "BIG BOND" - been rather impressed with it so far - although I've not used it to hold wings on. Afraid I've no idea how much it is as I had some as a sample.


Personally I use stainless socket button head screws to hold mine on - not had one fall off, or even look like falling off, in 6 yrs.



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I used Sikaflex 262 it is the same as they use to put widscreens in and too be fair in 18 months not a flicker of coming off ... most important it must be clean and you must use the pre application fluid before doing it!!


Bigamy is having 1 wife to many marriage is much the same thing

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Thanks all. *thumbup*


Ordered Adflex in the end as it is much cheaper - but will hopefully do the job - besides the wing needs rplacing with a shiney new one at the end of the season ;-)


Learnt the hardway how to use this stuff as well, one knackered pair of jeans and very black hands later the job is done - just don't look under the wing at the quality of workmanship. It will be better with the new wing.



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