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Removing road tar from plastic trim

John Howe

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Can anyone suggest a product that removes road tar from plastic trims on wheel arches etc.


Our lane has recently been re-surfaced. Just the sort of brainless plan that irritates Seven owners. They pour tar all over the road, then throw an excess of chippings over the top. In the following two week period, umpteen windscreen get chipped and the paint work gets tar splattered, ditto the trim.


Mer seems to cope well enough with the paint work but I wondered it there was a product more suitable for cleaning black plastic trims.




Deliveries by Saffron, *thumbup* the yellow 230bhp Sausage delivery machine

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I've found 'Tar Remover' spray works surprisingly well....not sure what it contains.


I found some lying in the barn and after ignoring it for years, tested it......spray on, leave for a minute, and the tar spots are already sliding off and running down the paintwork, read to be wiped once with paper and lo and behold, there they aren't anymore! 😬


I think it's available at Halfrauds.


Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds..ooooh hooo hooo!!...

😬 😬Abbey Road Time-Machine *eek* *eek*



Edited by - Unclefester on 6 Jul 2007 17:25:08

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Our lane has recently been re-surfaced


That wouldn't be High Beach Lane/College Road for the second time this month . Thankfully I didn't get any tar stuck to my legs this time, still got hit by flying stones though - think I needed my mountain bike to get home tonight - grr - so should have complained to them the over day when they were marking that road for defects. It was in a better condition before the attempted to resurface it.


Back to the subject - what about removing tar from the leather seats (yes the other week I found stones stuck to the passenger seat!) 🤔

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Foxy, thanks for asking, the concert was brilliant!


If I'm 65, Joan Biaz must be around 67and still amazing... the part of her performance where she used a backing group was spoilt by their excessive volume,, but her unaccompanied solos or where she accompanied herself was pure nectar.


No prizes for guessing what I was playing, on the iPod, as I cut the lawn yesterday.


Fancy an early lunch time Blat to the Cat today?




Deliveries by Saffron, *thumbup* the yellow 230bhp Sausage delivery machine

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