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Usually bacteria in the system I think. Yuo can get aerosols of stuff for killing the bugs from Halfords etc.



Not forgetting Percy the Polar Bear


Yes it definitely is bacteria and as Steve says you get an aerosol from Halfords, switch on the aircon, put it on max fan speed and recirc. Then release the valve on the aerosol, sit it on the transmission tunnel, get out quickly, close the door and leave it running for something like 15 minutes I think.


Result is a sterilised system which should stop the odours. Worked well on my car anyhow and no return of the smell 2 years later. *thumbup*

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Just run it at full (HOT!) temp for a few minutes (5ish) before turning the engine off. Usually solves the problem *thumbup* Best not to be in the car though *eek*




Halfords sell the Comma aerosol. It's £11.99


Go to your local motorfactor that stocks Comma - they will be about £7 each instead *thumbup*


Thanks, guys. I did the air con in the tin top this morning. It's been smelly for a couple of years so am looking forward to having a nice smelling car.



1800 Supersport with 6 gears and clamshell wings. *smile*

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