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After 15 ? years of hard use my engine is finally suffering from the porous head syndrome. Swindon are currently sleeving it (but with no absolute guarantee of success). If it fails a new head is the only option.


What an excuse for another upgrade !


Ex Chairman Roger


Have you thought about having the head sealed?


Ultraseal, Petersfield Ave, Slough - 01753 526877.


I used then a few year ago and they are very much into this sort of thing... you will end up with a CAA certificate for the casting. Handy if you are thinking of transplanting the engine into a plane - think it cost me £75



Deliveries by Saffron, *thumbup* the yellow 230bhp Sausage delivery machine




Its very unlikley the sleeving will fail.


K2RUM - The car of two halveswith a hole in the engine


Thanks Arnie, I know that,but you know how professional Swindon are. They always give you the down side as well as the up.

Great company to deal with ....


Unfortunately the head repair has not been successful.


Now searching for a new head ......


I do apologise for being part of the process that brought the curse of the canoe upon your car......


Theres one on e-bay - £30 at the moment. It's a '97 head which will be a low noise engine like mine - I don't know if the head is the same?


Edited by - Alex Wong on 15 Aug 2006 11:25:25


This site here often has second hand engine bits, I got my 'new' flowed zetec head for £85 off it *thumbup*


Worth a trawl *wink*


Edited by - JaseB on 15 Aug 2006 13:31:26

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