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Rumour has it that you're the expert


My silencing is RUBBISH and causes much chuckling and comments on trackdays. The silencer in a 21 runs inside the passenger door sill (same location as a 7, just a skinnier silencer). Comes from a 4-1 collector then exits via a narrow pipe to the tailpipes. The silencer is most probably badgered as it has done 120k miles and had at least 6 engines blow through it.... and i'm running no cat.


The alternative is that it is possible to fit a pair of flanged drilled tubes containing packing material down the tailpipes (their diameter is HUGE compared with the bore of the pipe leading back to them and they act like trumpets), though I don't have the means to fabricate these. I know a 21 owner who HAS done this, but he's too busy to do another set at the moment.


What could we do to create something that would get me through 98dB days (given that i'm 101.4 dB's at the moment)?


I'm going to have the exhaust off the car at the weekend when Alex, Roger and I work on some odds and sods.


Edited by - dave21p on 4 Aug 2006 08:16:38


Edited by - dave21p on 4 Aug 2006 08:17:20




Expert is a word I don't like. I would not like to be associated with some of the people I have met in 25 years in the trade who have called themselves experts. I prefer specialist 😬


Please give me a call to discuss your requirements. You can reach me on 01394 383499 / 07860 494064



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