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I believe mine hit the limiter at about 6000K.

It's connected to a caterham rev counter, not sure about the accuracy of it.


Is this a potential problematic engine?




Emily, The Very Yellow 21


Rev limiter is electronic, not mechanical, so should be nothing engine related.


The Caterham rev counter is not a reference standard instrument *wink*




See some pictures of the build here. 10000 miles completed!


Depending on which VVC engine I think, but *at least* 7k


I would suspect the water temp or the cam position sender to be at fault.




Growing old is mandatory - Growing up is optional


its an 1996 engine.

I might need to cheked those bits then.

Can you test the cam position sensor with a multi metre?




Emily, The Very Yellow 21


I've never actually checked one of those, but there would obviously have to be some sort of resistance in it. Ie not a short circuit, nor open. Bar that you couldn't. I would expect it to be fairly similar to the cranck position sensor. I think I can measure the DC resistance of a EU3 sensor tomorrow late afternoon and post it here.




Growing old is mandatory - Growing up is optional


You should get just over 7000 RPM, if the Cam Phase Sensor fails the revs will be limited to about 5000 RPM. I measured the output of mine here


What type of ECU are you running?




Hi Tom


It's a EU2. The engine is running fine, it just not rev up to the 7000k limit. Or maybe the rev counter is not so precise.

I'll change the VVC oil temp sensor and the water temp sensor and see what happen.


Should I really worry about not being able to rev it to 7000k?






Emily, The Very Yellow 21


Just a thought, is your throttle fully opening 🤔


Your engine should rev to over 7000 RPM although in itself, there is no problem limiting the revs to 6000, I would definitely want to find out why. The rev counter works off the ECU output, and are normally quite accurate, the ECU gets the RPM info from the crank angle sensor which picks up a series of pulses from the flywheel. Rover changed the hole pattern on the flywheel several times over the years which can be confusing, but I wouldn't expect a crank trigger problem as the engine is running OK *confused*



do the eu2 ecu's have the same as eu3 ecu's in that they can drop into "safe" rpm limited mode? I recall talking to Simon Hayward about disabling this on a k engined elise before. I can't recall the WHY of it though.

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