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Following on from my earlier thread. How hard is it to change these? My car has adjustable platforms, and for some reason mine are mounted upside down (anyone have any idea why?)


The bit that looks tricky is the top mounting bolt, which is smack in line with the sideskin. Looks really difficult to get a socket on the bolt head, and clearance to remove the bolt itself! Also, apparently I have to remove the head of the shock, to get the threaded sleeve off, to put on the new ones. Is this difficult?


Any recommendations as to the type of spring compressor I should buy, as I'm considering doing this myself, and any other tips for the uninitiated.


All replies gratefully received.




Still Shaking


6 speed 1600k Supersport





you don't need a spring compressor just wind the platforms down and that will release the spring tension


The top bolt looks bad but you can push the skin out of the way, use loads of masking tape though to avoid scratches


The problem may be the lwer bolt, it is comon for it to weld itself inside hte aluminium sleeve (which in turn is in the steel sleeve of the damper) I'd start tryign ot get some penetrating oil in there as soon as possible, get yourself a good (7/32" I think) allen socket and ideally access to an air hammer, then pray it comes undone *smile*


Getting the top bit off is not too difficult and I was told they're mounted upside down to reduce unsprung weight




So I don't need a spring compressor then! Excellent, should make life easier.


Thanks Guy's. Best get some penetrating oil tomorrow, and let that soak in for a couple of days. I'm hoping to attempt this on Friday.






Still Shaking


6 speed 1600k Supersport


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