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The engine and gearbox of my R500 are now out of the car. While the engine is at Ministers for a refresh, I would like to give the inside of the chassis, engine bay and tunnel a good spring clean. Any recommendations for cleaning solutions? The engine bay is black powder coated.


I would also like to have the s/steel primaries and the silencer pipe polished. Any recommendations for someone to do it. I live near Hatfield.






Have a word with Chris Wheeler at the 7 Workshop in Hoddesdon. He can make your pipes nice and shiny 😬




Fun is not a straight line.


Steam clean it!


Drag it to your nearest garage which has the equipment, they will be happy for you to actually point the thing at the car if you want to....usually.


Far easier and more effective than anything else and you don't need to breath nasty fumes....for small areas I've found Abel Auto aerosol engine cleaner is the only one which works properly....Jizer I don't know about so can't comment.


Hi Mark


No, I have owned mine since new (March 2000). It has done 4,500 miles and although it had a bearing change at 2,000 miles and a cam belt change, this is its first refresh.




Howard, second taking the pipes to Chris ! It will take a weekend to get them to the same standard if you try it at home.


I would just use a degreaser/brake cleaner on the engine bay ( costs about £8 per gallon ) and a spray for it.


With the engine out it wont take long at all.



Hi Howard I use Auto glym Engine cleaner it seems to get most of the crud off, and by the way Howard don't you like driving your seven March 2000 to now 4,500 miles *confused* I have done 20,000 in a year, must try harder Howard 😬 Regards Paul

Thanks for all the help guys. I tried calling Chris at 7 Workshop but number engaged all afternoon. Will try again tomorrow.


Paul - I know I should drive it more and when I do go out in her I can't believe how good it is. For the last couple of years I have tended to only do a couple of track days per year and a few short blats. Must try harder!



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