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  • Area Representative

A bit cheeky this one but here goes...


I think my (45) DCOE's need servicing. At least, I need to check they're set up correctly.


As my 7 is my only transport, when I come to do the work I want to get it done in the shortest possible time. Also, if I come across something unexpected (a dead cert.), I'm without transport to make a quick dash to the nearest Halfords or Weber agent for anything I may need.


So, I am reading up on it before I start. However, and here's my request, does anyone have a spare DCOE I could borrow to take apart and reassemble while I'm reading up before I start for real? I think it would be of great help to have one to look at while I'm reading up.


Here's hoping...





  • Area Representative

I have two spare pairs Adil, you'd be very welcome to borrow one. If this was yesterday I could bring one to The Raj tonight, IYSWIM *wink* but I'll be seeing you soon anyway.


The useful outer components (float chamber inspection covers, screws, linkages etc.) have mostly been robbed from these carbs but IIRC they are complete internally.



  • Area Representative

I'm glad you clarified that, Peter


Very generous offer considering the amount of time and effort you spent last time *thumbup* I'll e-mail you offline.


Though, if anyone does have a spare carb. I can borrow, I'm still interested.




  • Area Representative

Crudders, *thumbup* I'll speak to you about it tonight.


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