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That's OK; I'll have the tent dried and packed by then :-)


(not a chance - I've not had to put away a wet tent yet this year, so am well overdue!)




Mrs K


Who is getting married 🤔 Now I know that Danny sleeps with his 7 (as witnessed at Pembrey) but I did not realise the relationship was so serious *tongue* 😬


Mark D

Comp Sec *cool*



Mark and those *confused* who think I've completely lost it


I don't know who is getting married, but the regs say that there is a wedding at 2:00 and the first timed run will be before lunch which will be between 2:00 and 2:45 and no engines are to be run during his time.


Mrs K


Mr Durrant *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad*


Whilst I quite like my seven....It must be said, I loike Gerls more 😬 😬 😬 Plus, why would I choose a beaten up old shed 🤔 🤔 🤔...my seven..she not purrdy ☹️


However, in light of the generosity of the offer regarding repairs to be undertaken, I will take no further action relating to this slur on my character *mad*....however, should more be forthcoming...Lisa will be informed of your address...she will arrange for a night 'with Bubba' via her contacts in Lewes prison!! You can bend down to pick up soap can't you 🤔 🤔 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬


See you all friday/ saturday!


And...nope, not me getting married on Saturday....I may be mad, but I ain't stupid...yet 😬


Dannyboy *tongue*



Also in the reg.s for Loton was a note about the requirement for numbers on the front of the car as well i.e 3 sets of numbers ... don't know if this is common practise cos it usually catches me out!! *smile*






Unfortunately Mark won't be available for Bubba tonight - he's tending the needs of a couple of elderly Gent's 😬 😬 😬


Andy N.

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