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A couple of years ago the engine was over heating (1.4k series supersport), the RAC came out and cut out the centre of the thermostat.


The thermostat was replaced and has had very limited running until recently. Now when out today the thing overheated again and the RAC have once again cut out the centre of the thermostat as they believe it was stuck slightly open and therefore wouldn't open completely.


What I'm trying to find out is, how long can I drive without causing damage without this and should I just be replacing the thermostat, or is this an indication that something else is wrong?


Any help appreciated


I would replace the thermostat with an 82 degree version, and then make sure you have bled the system properly.

Sounds like you may just be suffering from an airlock.


The antifreeze is also a coolant and if you are low through loss or toping up this will cause the car to overheat, the problem is that most people do not wish to top up the antifreeze, wasting it while trying to sort the problem, missing the cause in the first place.

Hot or cool running my upset the car in many ways, the correct antifreeze ratio is calculated to keep the engine at the best running temperature for the plugs, fuelling and oil temperature, the thermostat should be fitted to help control this.

Sorry if you already know this.


X/FLOW 1700 DD 1990





One way is to find the mix for the antifreeze i.e. 50/50 the mix it up in a large bucket, then fill the system, you will have some left over.


Best way is to find the capacity of your car, if it was 8ltr you could start by putting in 2ltr of water then the 4ltr of antifreeze then the last 2ltr of antifreeze.


There are different colours of antifreeze and the suggestions as to what you use will vary from make to make, pick a make [Comma highly recommended] and stick to what they suggest. The funny thing about the Comma application list is that it is covered in Caterham pictures but it does not list the car or Rovers, ask Caterham first or look under freelander for example.


X/FLOW 1700 DD 1990




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